Green Turtle to Hope Town

Hope Town

Our approach to Hope Town was slow and unnerving, Its landmark  candy-striped lighthouse coming Into view. Dream Seeker has a 5 foot keel and the water depth showed just six inches of sea under it. Huge vessels on either side of us, the way narrow, Robert, the great, as he calls himself guided us  into the slip from shore.  The Hope Town Marina is thriving, full of enormous boats, overflowing cottages and many of the small shops are open.

Two Stuart Corinthian Yacht Club (SCYC) flags were flying on separate boats docked close to us. We were with friends again;  Rich and Eileen on Defiant and Stan and Diane on Dealers Choice.

We walked around to the still standing and newly repaired lighthouse. Denny climbed it and I pleaded a bad knee. 

Dorian destroyed most of Hope Town but not its’ heart. Rebuilding has not only begun, it has soared. The streets are mostly concrete paths set between colorfully painted houses, touched with gingerbread eaves and picket fences; some homes were salvaged, some saved  and some newly built.

Where once we had to take our dinghy, now the ferry takes you across the small bay to the heart of downtown. Vernons’ grocery store was only partially stocked but adequate and Captain Jacks, is completely rebuilt and providing food and drink in breezy comfort.  The former, beautiful and thriving Hope Town Inn, was completely destroyed but the land is on sale for five million dollars.

Leaving friends for a day and heading for Tahiti Beach to run the dinghy and do a little snorkeling.

2 thoughts on “Green Turtle to Hope Town

  1. Hope Town looks like rebuilding is going good!im happy for them.. Tell Denny I sympathize with him on his knee. I’m going in August 8 for the meniscus problem! Have a great time today! 😘


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