Trials and Tribulations

The last two days have tried our collective patience.  I am not always a patient person, fortunately Denny is.

Our washing machine failed which puts us at the mercy of marina washers that eat quarters and forget their proper function. The ability to wash clothes while on the waterway really frees our time up for sightseeing and provisioning when we do stop; fortunately the dryer works.

Denny spent many hours researching a new washer and found one that will do the job. Fortunately we will be in Norfolk for five days on a “Looper Rendezvous”. By adding one day to the stop we can have a new washer installed.

The printer has lost its ability to scan documents. For two hours, HP help tried to help me fix it while we were on a rocky sea (the Neuse River).  Help determined that I had some type of spyware and wanted to sell me a fix for it for only $60.00. I will call apple in the morning I am sure they can solve my problem in minutes.

The hot spot on the phone did not always maintain the wi-fi, probably because we were a little too far from shore and the cell towers were sparse. The cell phone only works sporadically.

One month ago, I had surgery on my right shoulder to remove a cyst. The theory was, take care of a problem before you go on this trip so it won’t bother you while you are on it. One more theory bit the dust.  The cyst reappeared and my doctor is 1000 miles away, albeit available by phone. The docks at Beaufort, NC, are right downtown and the marina  graciously gave us a loaner car.  We found a very busy urgent care center and four hours later we were on our way, a minor problem, just annoying.  Have an appointment in Norfolk with an orthopedic surgeon. At least, I think I have, I don’t have a working scanner to send written consent to the surgeon to send my files.  Hopefully, I will tomorrow.

All this and as Denny says we are “hauling ass” at 8 knots an hour, up the ICW north.

Anchored for the night there was no one in sight.  Woke up in the morning and felt like Job. A plague had descended on the land. Huge flies and mosquitoes littered the boat. At places, two inches thick. I itch all over. Let’s get out of here!!!!!


11 thoughts on “Trials and Tribulations

  1. When I was in Nam we used to drag our bell bottom dungarees off the ships fantail in the turmoil provided by the screws. This process even got out the red lead & zinc chromate paint…
    Good luck


  2. Oh man, patience needed indeed. What a collection of issues. The bugs-ewwwww. It reminded me of when the four of us were in Florence in a lovely little hotel on the river. One of us left the window open (no screens) when we went out for dinner. When we returned, we were greeted by a hoard of the same sort of visitors.

    Take a deep breath. The sun will come out tomorrow, right?
    Good luck


  3. Sometimes when it rains, it pours. When three things happen, it seems like there is a full moon or some kind of weird vortex. Wishing you better luck in the days to come. Kay


  4. Well sounds like a great time. When does the fun start. Hoping your trip is like the month of May. In like a lion out like a lamb. You have to think like a pioneer….before technology…good luck.


  5. Oh geez I don’t want to be Job when I’m on a trip!! I hate bugs of all kinds, I’m afraid I’ll swallow one one day. They seem to like me, I had one hit my face at Publix today..Yuck! The washer and scanner is a problem, sounds like they will all get fixed in due time. At least the boat is working great n that’s all that counts!
    I’m really surprised that the cyst came back so quick…unusual, maybe he didn’t get it all. Well, try to relax they are minor problems. It was so cloudy here yesterday I tried calling someone on the phone and had to try 4 times before giving up! So land,sea.. pain in the ass! Have fun girl!😘


  6. As Ken always tells me, that your Father would often say….”This only happens to live people”
    We hope and pray for a better tomorrow. Thank you for keeping us posted and for all the pictures and videos.


  7. Wow .. lots of things going on ! ! Sorry to hear of the bumps-in-the-road.
    But, sounds like you all are in full control .. IT’S ALL PART OF THE ADVENTURE ! ! !


  8. One thing we learned on our portion of the loop… most marinas have a loaner car…and don’t be in a hurry because stuff happens and the internet is no longer your friend…but a source of irritation because you can’t use it; and finally just sit back and take a deep breath and try to enjoy the good things. Now have fun LOL😎


  9. So sorry to hear about your trials and tribulations. Arden, have you tried putting coconut oil on your cyst several times a day? It might help and won’t hurt. I hope all goes well going forward.


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